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“What we find changes who we become.”

― Peter Morville

Ever heard of knowledge is key? Well I wanna say information is key. A lot of times we ignore the information that is available to us. Like the quote says “what we find changes who we become” I really like this quote because I think the information we find can change our lives. Unfortunately we don’t always pay attention to information and without information we do-not acquire knowledge. The Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus has a lot of that information. I stopped by the information board for the first time on Thursday and I was amazed at how much information is on there. Like many others I’m always on the go and in my head the only reading I want to do is my books nothing else, but after glancing at the information board and just reading through all that is on there, I was amazed. The main thing is, its not just about school, it includes;

  • Job listings
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Housing adverts
  • Tutoring information
  • Clubs
  • Events

There is so much information that can literally change a person’s life. Imagine finding a job or volunteer opportunity from the information board that leads you meeting some influential person on the job that decides to sponsor you through school or hire you right after school. Yeah, its just an imagination but it can be real.

The student life also has a really cute information board that are just for student life events. The next time you pass by the bookstore, cafeteria, resource center or as you walk into the ST building stop by one of the information boards.

Hi, my name is Kandi and I am a third semester nursing student. I am happy and excited to be a part of MC voices to not only Mc as a whole but to nursing students, foreign students without immediate family in the United States, African students, and new students. Why because that’s what makes me, I am all of that and much more.

I am a Cameroonian who has lived in the United States for almost 5years. I am a Christian and a believer in Christ and also a very optimistic person. I make and share a lot of encouraging/inspirational/motivational Videos and post on Instagram @uniquelykandi.

If you are new to MC welcome,
If you are new to the nursing program, welcome,
If you new to the United States, welcome.

I believe we will have a lot of fun sharing and learning from each other.
Philippians 4:4

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