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Hey MC Family,

With Thanksgiving being right around the corner I thought it would be fun to share the things I am most grateful for! Here we go…

  1. God

I haven’t traveled the easiest road of life, but what I can say lessens the burden in my journey is my faith and my belief in God. This year more than ever specifically, I have been tested in so many ways. There were many instances where I wanted to give up and break down, and I even had moments when I did. However, I’m grateful for my belief in Christ that my parents instilled in me because it is truly my peace through life’s storm. Small miracles happen every day for me, and I couldn’t thank anyone else but the Man upstairs for them.

  1. Carmen

There is no human being I am MOST thankful for than my daughter Carmen. Being a parent has taught me many of life’s valuable lessons. Because of Carmen, I have witnessed a level of strength within myself that I didn’t know even existed. I have grown in patience, ambition, optimism and independence. I don’t think my graceful transition from girl to woman would have impacted me as greatly if Carmen had not been around. She is the reason I persevere, and if I could back and walk this road all over again I certainly would.

  1. Family

I am thankful for my family because without them I simply am not who I am today. Like all families, with love comes hardships, and thankfully we were able to build a stronger unit because of this. I’m thankful for a legacy of amazing people who came before me and who set a tone and expectation for greatness. I’m thankful for my mom and dad, my sister, my nieces, my many aunts and uncles, but most of all, I am thankful for the bond I share with my primos (cousins).

  1. Friends

2017 has taught me very important lessons on friendship. I’ve discovered that those who claim to have your best interest at heart might not always be true to their word. I learned a new understanding of the word “loyalty” and received affirmation on who deserves it and who doesn’t. Ultimately, I’m thankful for my circle of friends who I can always depend on. We may not talk every day, we may not even live in the same state, but the love I have for my friends surpasses all of this. I am thankful that their love for me does the same and I cherish them all dearly.

  1. Good Health

In today’s society where there are new illnesses being discovered every day and not enough cures. I truly give thanks for being in good health. So many lives have been lost this year, and although I am saddened by this, I’m thankful that I can still live out my best life.

  1. Music (Specifically Beyoncé & Chance The Rapper)

Music has always been a big part of my life. I write songs to express my emotions, sing to better someone else’s day or even my own and I listen to music to escape.  Beyoncé and Chance the Rapper released sensational albums last year around the same time that instantly became soundtracks of my life.  I can literally turn these two albums on at any moment in time and my day will be made knowing that “a winner don’t quit on themselves” and “blessings keep falling in my lap”.

  1. My Education & Financial Aid

Getting my degree from Montgomery College is the biggest goal on my list right now and I am thankful that I’ve allowed myself the opportunity to make it so. So many women give up on the idea of furthering their education once they become moms and I am grateful for that not being my story. I am also thankful for being able to go to school for a very reasonable price thanks scholarships, grants and financial aid. I especially want to thank my scholarship, Generation Hope, who provided with the tools to want and be able to complete my education.

  1. Coffee

Do I even have to explain this one? I’m a restless college student. Coffee is my saving grace.

  1. The Black Community

Now more than ever I have been trying to get in touch with both sides of my culture. I am from two different worlds and can admit that I’ve known one side a little more than the other. However, in trying to change that I grown to deeply love myself and my community: the black community. Black people are some of the most amazing, resilient, ambitious, trendsetting, show stopping, melanin popping, coconut oil drenched, walking embodiment of gold that I have ever witnessed, and thankfully can say I am a part of. I have grown to deeply appreciate and be thankful for the black family, black love, black excellence and black girl magic! Fists up my people! We’re lit.

  1. My Current State

Lastly, I am super proud of and super thankful for my current state. I am in a place in my life where I couldn’t be more clear on what’s important to me and what’s not. I couldn’t be hungrier than I am today to achieve my goals. I am taking every step with faith, positivity and optimism. I am looking out for my best interest in my health. I am totally kicking butt in school. I am becoming a leader in more ways than one. I AM SIMPLY FLOURISHING. And I couldn’t be happier than I am now, knowing it’s only going to go up from here.


What are you guys thankful for this year?!

I am currently 21 years old and a born and raised (and proud) Washingtonian. My parents both came to the United States as foreigners from Panamá City, Panamá so I ethnically (and also proudly) identify as Latin-Caribbean. I am in my second semester at Montgomery College at the Takoma Park Silver Spring campus. I plan to obtain my associates in Business Administration and go on to complete my bachelors at Howard University with a double major in Business Marketing and Computer Information Systems. In addition to being a super involved student of Montgomery College, I am also a supermom to the most amazing 3 year old girl on the planet. My ultimate goal in life is to become an internationally renowned event planning mogul.

I originally began writing at the tender age of eight. Back when I thought I was destined to be the next Beyoncé, I would write songs with friends and rehearse and perform them in elementary school. Around middle school, I matured and my writing did as well. I took on poetry as a hobby and later it would bring me Literary Love Poetry Awards that I still have medals for to this day. As I excelled into high school, I didn’t realize how much the assigned papers and controversial group discussions would shape me as the “realist” writer that I am today. I know Montgomery College has the power to take my writing skills to the next level, starting with this blog.

Comments (2)

  1. Wow I absolutely love this post. It’s amazing to see what specific things people are thankful for. I like how you specific in great detail what you are thankful for, it really shows the person you are.

    I really enjoy reading your posts!

  2. This is very inspiring Naomi! You are strong and you don’t let any obstacle get in the way of you achieving your dreams and being there for your precious daughter. Empowered women really do empower women. Have a great thanksgiving!

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