Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

I love this meme. Until now, I have only seen the standard “Keep Calm and …” , which I think is a little overrated.
I love this meme because it spoke to me. If there is a recurring topic that we (bloggers/vloggers) talk about, I think it’s procrastination. And it’s not without a reason. It can be difficult trying to meet schedules and staying organized especially when you have a busy life balancing work, school and some other activities. But sometimes, we simply can’t find the motivation to get work started on time. And that’s one of every college student’s albatrosses. I was late posting this blog because I had waited until the last minute to do an assignment I should have done days before. Oops.
Throughout the years, I have noticed that I do better when I see that things are organized. My handwriting definitely isn’t the best and my pens and lip glosses are almost indistinguishable in my bag, but I am pretty OK at organizing school materials. I have to be. So I’ve listed a couple of things for you that have helped me stay organized (and sane) throughout my college career:
1.) Use folders.
One for each class. Don’t forget to include your class syllabus; you’ll never know when it will come in handy.
2.) Highlight
Not the one we use for our cheeks, ladies!
Highlighting our papers can help us remember important details. Our notes will look colorful and it can improve our grades.
3.) Know your strengths and weaknesses
If you tend to misplace things a lot, it’s not a good idea to not have a place to put things in. You don’t want to misplace that assignment you worked really on the night before.
It all comes down to knowing how to correct yourself after doing things wrong so many times.
4.) Write the Chapter.
More often than not, Chapter 4 will be different from Chapter 6. If you want to know where to look on your textbook for future references, see what Chapter your notes were on.
5.) Don’t forget anything at home.
If you have anything you would like to add to this list, please feel free to comment and let me know how you keep yourself organized 🙂 .
Nice blog! Keep sharing such an informative blog like this.