Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

Hindi Words of the Week:
वसंत Vasant (vuh-suh-nnth) – spring
आनंदAnand (aah-nuh-nnd) – happiness
Hi Raptors! Spring break is here! I hope you all have some good plans for the time off ahead. I plan on sleeping. I vow to catch up on all the sleep I’ve missed so far this semester haha. I also plan on catching up on my video games and TV shows, break priorities and all. However, just because break is on doesn’t mean that college will be completely forgotten. I want to leave you guys with some tips for how to prep passively during break so when you come back it isn’t too hectic.
- Go through any notes you have and toss away all repeats. Keep only tests and notes that don’t repeat more than once.
- If you have a full notebook, or one that’s almost full, toss it. Just get a new one so that your new notes are fresh.
- Keep all your textbooks in one place for easy access.
- Group your class materials by class bunches, i.e. if two classes are on the same day, keep the materials for them together.
- Do all your spring break homework ASAP. Remember, the quicker you get it done, the more stress-free days you have over break.
- Pre-pack your backpack with the things you’ll need for the first day of classes after spring break.
Have a great vacation guys!
Love the colorful flowers shown. I can’t wait – enough of the deep freeze! Good tips also to allow students to enjoy their break a little more!