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I am sick this week. But nothing a few days of rest, tea, a Snuggie, and a Columbo can’t repair.

Natalie has been at Montgomery College since the fall of 2015. Originally from Montgomery County, she left the area in 2001 after graduating high school. She lived in Canada, Mexico, Scotland, and Uruguay before returning to the States for three years in New York City. After ten years away from home, she came back to the DC region in 2011. She began a career in radio and now works as a soundboard operator at WAMU 88.5, DC's local National Public Radio member station. Curiosity about video and television production brought her back to school. Natalie's favorite part of production is video editing. Outside of school and work, she spends as much time as possible with her six-toed cat, Columbo; ideally while watching Bob's Burgers.

Comments (1)

  1. Oh Natalie, I am sorry to see you are sick as well, but what dedication from both you and Pati to “go on with the show”. I was amused you had a ‘Chat Noir” mug because I just purchased some art for a fundraiser (to support both VisArts and Vets) from VisArts and one of the three was a Chat Noir painting. I used to lunch at a restaurant of the same name on Wisconsin Ave, so it just struck me. As an avid coffee drinker and mug collector, it caught my eye! Anyway, I do hope you feel better soon and thanks for keeping up the vlogging enthusiasm!!

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