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Being a student at 33 is a little different than at 18. And I am loving every minutes of it 🙂

Natalie has been at Montgomery College since the fall of 2015. Originally from Montgomery County, she left the area in 2001 after graduating high school. She lived in Canada, Mexico, Scotland, and Uruguay before returning to the States for three years in New York City. After ten years away from home, she came back to the DC region in 2011. She began a career in radio and now works as a soundboard operator at WAMU 88.5, DC's local National Public Radio member station. Curiosity about video and television production brought her back to school. Natalie's favorite part of production is video editing. Outside of school and work, she spends as much time as possible with her six-toed cat, Columbo; ideally while watching Bob's Burgers.

Comments (1)

  1. Thanks for posting about the older student! I recall some info a few years back that the average age at MC was 26. Most notable to me was the discipline I see at the graduations. Instead of decorating the caps, being disrespectful of speakers at graduation (I saw a beach ball once hit the speaker as it got tossed about the stands), etc., I see people who understand and appreciate what their degree means since it may not have come so easily from a financial perspective and the older student has developed a better appreciation of education in general because they know you cannot get too far without it.

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