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Make sure you’ve registered for spring semester if you plan on taking classes next year.

  • Course Offerings Published Online (viewing only) started on October 9, 2017
  • Priority Registration began on Monday, October 23, 2017
  • General Registration began on Monday, October 30, 2017

So, if you’re behind, “you better get a move on it“.

Have a hold on your account?

If you have a hold on your account and are unable to register, you can still browse the classes being offered. Simply follow these steps 1) go to 2) type in the search bar “register for spring 2018” 3) click “registration dates and announcements” 4) click “schedule of classes” 5) click “Guests: Search the Live Class Schedule” 6) click the term you plan on registering for. When you get this done, write down the classes you plan on taking for the semester. As soon as you take care of your hold, you can simply register with ease.

*you may not be able to register for all the classes you planned on because of late registration

* take care of holds ahead of time they affect a lot


Spring 2018 is your first semester @ MC?

My advice is to come in and see a counselor before you register for classes, but get this done as soon as possible!



If you plan on graduating next semester, don’t forget to APPLY FOR GRADUATION.

If you take use the shuttle bus provided by Montgomery College, be on the look out for SPRING 2018 BUS SCHEDULE

If you plan on taking courses during the winter, registration closes once the class begins. So for extended winter students registration closes Dec. 18 and for regular winter courses the last day to register varies (check MyMC).


Till Next Time


Hello, I am Bob Ndubuisi Okoroajuzie. Honestly speaking, Christ is the center of my life or at least I try to make him the center. If it doesn’t relate to Christ, it doesn’t relate to me. I became more fond of him through the reading of his word, the same way you’ll become more fond of me through my blogs. Some are surprised when I tell them things like this, or even comment saying, “Oh you’re one of those”. I sometimes laugh because this is my mindset, but I still have a good time. I know when to be serious and when to relax, so the key component in my life is balance. Loving, honesty, and amusing make up Bob. 

I am currently majoring in Business at Montgomery College. My end goal is to graduate from UMD College Park Business school and attend law school (corporate law). I'm passionate about mentoring students and being mentored. Being mentored at a young age has truly helped shape me as a young man. Truly, being a student blogger is an honor. Sharing my experience at MC and providing information will benefit current and future students at Montgomery College. 

Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.

Comments (1)

  1. Great advice, great deadlines, and especially I like the step by step process you give to scan the class schedule. Sometimes it gets confusing and sometimes students wait too long to register! That goes hand in hand with not getting the classes you want/need and NOT graduating on time! That reminds me – if I want to take a class, time to get cracking!

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