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Money, Money, Money, Money…. MONEY! The question of how to pay for school is one that all of us ask at some time or another. It is one that many of us ponder for a while before we actually make the leap into college-life, while others jump in with both feet and figure it out along the way. Whether your method is ponder and plan, or jump and swim, it is a subject that impacts all of us. Thankfully, Montgomery College makes this process a bit easier for all of us by being one of the most affordable options in the DC Metro area, and by having a variety of solutions suited for many different needs.

One of the simplest solutions is to utilize the tuition installment plan. This allows you to pay your tuition in installments ranging from 5 payments to 2 payments (varies based on when you enter the plan) with only a nominal fee for utilizing the service. This is a great way to make your tuition more “manageable” and avoid the sticker shock of plunking down the full amount all at once. Payments are automatically charged to your credit card or debited from your bank account at pre-determined intervals (roughly monthly) for the number of payments designated when you enter the plan. It is by far the most accessible way for students to get some relief in paying tuition.

Other options for paying for school include things like scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study programs. In most cases, eligibility for these is determined by the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Filling out this form determines eligibility for need-based aid. There is actually an upcoming workshop to answer questions related to the FAFSA and to get help filling it out! FAFSA Fridays will be held on February 22, 11 AM – 2 PM on all 3 campuses. You can learn more about it and RSVP here!

Another awesome resource for scholarships is the website. This website will not only explain the various types of scholarships available, but it will help you search and find specific scholarships to apply for that fit your skills and experience. Interested in dance? There’s a scholarship for that! Are you in the military? There’s a scholarship for that! Conducting research to benefit that potato industry? There’s one for that, too (really!).

Finally, Montgomery College offers a job search tool for students and alumni called eJobs. After going through some quick registration steps, you can use this tool to search for employment and career-related events. The postings here can include both on-campus and off-campus opportunities.

What financial resources have you taken advantage of to help with your educational goals?

Comments (1)

  1. Super tips on covering college costs! The installment plan is a great idea and maybe something not all students are aware of. eJobs is also really a great website for students and alumni looking for work. Even if a posted job is not in your area, it can provide company names you may not have thought of and then you can check out their website.

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