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Alright Takoma Park-ers, this post is specifically for you guys!

When you’re a full time student like me at Montgomery College, and if your schedule is setup to keep you chained to the campus for an hour or more between classes, you might find that the best use of your time would be to hit the books!

Quiet Study Lounge in the ST Building

If you’re entering the Charlene R. Nunley Student Services Center from the bridge walkway, as soon as you look to your left you will find studying heaven. The quiet study lounge. I’ve studied here several times myself and let me tell you, you can hear a pin drop in this room even at full capacity. This lounge comes with single table and chairs for individual study, booths for small groups, a charging station for both Android and iPhone users to enjoy and complete with super quiet earphone toting MC students. If you need to get last minute work done or a peaceful space to focus or just want to be productive for a change, this is the place to be!

The Resource Center Library

I know, I know. The library is a cliché place to study, but I promise you, our Resource Center Library is an amazing place to buckle down on your knowledge. Whether you need extra citing sources through the many books our library provides, have to type up a research paper, or just need a quiet space for you to concentrate this library has two entire floors dedicated to just that!

Reserved Study Rooms

Did you know that you could reserve a study room on campus for group study sessions? No? Well you do now! Getting it reserved is super easy!

Step One: Go on the the Montgomery College website (

Step Two: In the top right corner, next to Access My MC, you will see “Libraries”. Click “Libraries”.

Step Three: Once you’ve accessed the Libraries page, on the right hand side there will be a box labeled Quick Links with a list of options to select from. You will select “Reserve a Study Space”.

Step Four: You will be directed to a page that will display all 3 campuses at Montgomery College. Choose your campus and select “Group Study Rooms”.

Step Five: The green blocks symbolize open availability in each room. Select your preferred time period (30 minute increments, maximum of 2 hours).

Step Six: Scroll down and select “Continue” after booking your time slot. Fill in the necessary Booking Details and submit. You will then be sent a confirmation email that sends you an official confirmation link that must be responded to within 2 hours of booking to finalize your reservation. This step is VERY important.

On the day of your session, the student responsible for booking the room must show up on time and with two additional members of your study group along with your student ID’s. The person who booked is responsible for the key. Please return the key to the front desk at the conclusion of EVERY session.

These study rooms are a totally secret gem to group studying at MC.

The Computer Lab in the ST Building

The Computer Lab may also be a super “duh” option when it comes to places to study on campus. Have to write a paper? Need to do some research? Have to access MathXL? This place is perfect. Located on the third floor of the Charlene R. Nunley Student Services Center, the  lab is totally technology forward and ready for all of your online endeavors.

Literally anywhere in the Cultural Arts Center

The Cultural Arts Center is literally the quietest building I’ve ever entered at MC Takoma Park. Can you tell I’m a fan of quiet yet? (lol) The Cultural Arts Center not only is one of the most regal buildings the school has to offer, but it has several areas that are perfect for study. Near the windows on the first floor is an entire seating area that’s perfect for getting a good study session in. If table seated studying isn’t your style, there are plenty of cushioned seats and ottoman style benches on the second floor for you to cop a squat and crack open your laptop.

So there you have it! My top 5 places to study on the Takoma Park campus. I hope this helps you for your future studying sessions. I know they’ve totally saved me countless times, especially for a cram sesh!

Now go forth and STUDY!


I am currently 21 years old and a born and raised (and proud) Washingtonian. My parents both came to the United States as foreigners from Panamá City, Panamá so I ethnically (and also proudly) identify as Latin-Caribbean. I am in my second semester at Montgomery College at the Takoma Park Silver Spring campus. I plan to obtain my associates in Business Administration and go on to complete my bachelors at Howard University with a double major in Business Marketing and Computer Information Systems. In addition to being a super involved student of Montgomery College, I am also a supermom to the most amazing 3 year old girl on the planet. My ultimate goal in life is to become an internationally renowned event planning mogul.

I originally began writing at the tender age of eight. Back when I thought I was destined to be the next Beyoncé, I would write songs with friends and rehearse and perform them in elementary school. Around middle school, I matured and my writing did as well. I took on poetry as a hobby and later it would bring me Literary Love Poetry Awards that I still have medals for to this day. As I excelled into high school, I didn’t realize how much the assigned papers and controversial group discussions would shape me as the “realist” writer that I am today. I know Montgomery College has the power to take my writing skills to the next level, starting with this blog.

Comments (4)

  1. Naomi, great first blog pointing all the TP/SS students to the right places to study! That can make all the difference between pass or fail and for new students on campus who have no idea yet.

  2. Hi Naomi! I had no idea you could reserve study rooms at MC that is so cool! Do you know if you can do that at any other campuses? Great post!

  3. Yes! A quiet space to study is heaven especially when you are barely home. And yet not only does the Arts building free our imagination but it soothes our soul and gives us a quiet place to study 😀

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