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Today, I’m going to share something that I love doing and make sure I make time for: volunteering. As a college student (and an adult), it can feel like time isn’t on my side. And sometimes, stubbornness can be a good thing. “If time isn’t on my side, then I won’t be on its side and i’ll do my own thing”. Making time for something takes a lot especially if you already have a lot on your plate. For me, as someone who believes in giving, I don’t always “feel” excited whenever a volunteer opportunity comes up. I have to fight myself, fight apathy, fight laziness, or excuses to bring myself to do it. But once i’m on it, I feel very alive. I live for the smiles and gratefulness on people’s faces when they get something they love.

Last year, my church did a sports camp for the children in Armenia. We partnered with an Armenian American missionary family there and they helped us set up the whole event. The admissions were free for the children. It was a week-long event and we went on two locations (Lake Sevan and Vanadzor) and we traveled a couple hours to get to each location.

Armenians love soccer! And call it fate or a miracle or whatever but before we left for the trip, one of our team members met someone who owned an athletic store in the area and donated hundreds of soccer balls and soccer cleats to give to the children! Turned out that he was also Armenian and was grateful for an opportunity to give to these children. Happiness sits on both sides of the gift: the giver and the given.

(Fun Fact: Kanye West and Kim Kardashian were in the capital city, Yerevan, a few weeks before we came!)

Trips like this can be very costly but thanks to fundraising and very generous people, me and 4 other college students on our team could go. You certainly don’t have to go international to do something to help other people. A simple act of kindness goes a long way. There are volunteering opportunities everywhere and Montgomery college offers plenty of them. Check this link to find out:

If you have a local organization that you’re a part of, like a church or a club, find out if they offer any volunteering opportunities and join. My church has a homeless outreach that i’m also a part of and we go at least once a month. Summer is always a good time to do volunteer duties and that is when I do most of my volunteering. I hope you add a little more happiness to your life by adding a little more happiness to others 🙂

My name is Ray Ann. I grew up wanting to be a lot of things. Being a lot older now, I realize you never really grow out of those dreams.

I’m 23 years old, barely 5 ft. tall and often mistaken as a high school student. But you know what they say — good things come in small packages. Despite me being a little vertically challenged, I’m a huge basketball fan. I love fast cars and fast…food. I love the color pink and my friends’ sense of humor. I aspire to be the realistic half of my favorite female fiction characters: to be bold and fearless like Nikita, witty, intelligent and fashionable like Blair Waldorf and sweet and sassy like Cher Horowitz.

Being a blogger means a lot of things. We write about anything and everything, including our own lives. We can choose to be private or be an open book. But I hope to share only meaningful and helpful things to anyone who reads my blogs. Montgomery College will always be a big part of my life as it gave me an opportunity to find myself and discover the things I love and gave me all the more reason to be myself.

Let’s believe in each other. 

Comments (1)

  1. Ray Ann, what a fabulous outreach you all performed in Armenia. Armenians are some of the most generous, warm, and hospitable people. I started on my own trajectory of volunteering a few years ago, and like you, I was hesitant about the entire thing at first. However, in volunteering with the Adult Literacy Council teaching English, I made a friend for life. Not long ago, I became a docent at VisArts (great for students by the way!) and slowly I am weaving my way back into art, something I found great joy in as a youngster. I encourage MC students to look into this opportunity. Thanks you for pointing out that volunteering is a win-win situation!

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