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Hey Raptors! I showed you what my life is like inside of school a few weeks ago. In this week’s video, I’ll show you what my life is like outside of school. Hope you enjoy and stick around for the final video of the semester. Thanks!

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” I read this quote somewhere along my elementary school days and it lingers in my mind to this day. That’s why I grabbed chance by the hand and took the opportunity to be a part of this program.

My name is Alexandra Rose Atienza, but you can just call me Alex to keep it short. I was born and raised in the DMV area, but my heart lies in my parents’ hometown in Batangas, Philippines. I spent three years living in the Philippines as a child and am always looking forward to any chance to fly back home.

I am currently an architecture major looking to change the way people perceive women in architecture. My ultimate career goal is to build schools in rural communities both in the Philippines and around the world. I am also part of the Montgomery Scholars Program at the Rockville Campus. Although the work that we do in the Scholars Program is very demanding and time-consuming, I can attest that it has opened my eyes to grasp society in a different light.

Despite my busy schedule, I always make sure I leave time to relax and spend time with my family. Whether it be short trips to the grocery store or long-weekend camping trips, I am my happiest when I am with my family. When I have free-time by myself, however, I enjoy playing video games, singing with my ukulele, taking long walks, hiking, and biking.

Although this is just a snapshot of my life, I believe that you’ll get to know me more through my videos. You’ll get to experience Montgomery College through my eyes and see how it continues to shape the way I view and experience the world.

If you see me around campus, don’t be afraid to stop me and say hello! I’d be happy to talk.

Comments (2)

  1. Looks like you fill your day up very well! I had a moment there when I wondered of the ratio of studying to game playing 🙂 My son was obsessed (and still is) but somehow managed to keep the grades up. He said it relaxed him. Good luck with finals and see you next semester!

    1. Yes, my day gets very busy as I have to take care of a lot of things. But, like you saw in the video, I do have some time to do the things that I like. Even though I do spend a lot of time playing, I make sure to finish my school work first. Thank you!

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