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Hindi words of the week:

अंत  Anth (aa-nn-th) – end/finish/conclusion

जरूरी  Jarooree (za-roo-ree) – necessary

So it’s close to the end of the semester everyone! I hope this semester has been going well for you; it’s been decent for me. I think I honestly let myself down a couple of times in the last few months, but I’ve kept pushing through. There were definitely some moments where I was dazed, confused, and more than a little over-tired but I made it and so did the rest of you.

If your life journey is at all similar to mine, then you’re probably at the beginning of a new chapter in your life. The beginning is always the worst and the best part at the same time. All those possibilities are great, but they’re also very daunting at the same time. I started out at MC thinking I would do nursing and declared myself a general studies major in order to fulfill pre-requisite credit requirements and transfer. However, I only had a check-list of classes to follow, and I did not understand the class codes on it and thus it became useless to me.

Earlier this week I had an appointment with a counselor. You can book one at any time by logging into your MC account and click on counseling. A new page will load and you can select the campus, time, and counselor that you would like to meet. This counselor was amazing, shout-out to Professor Baker, I will upload her contact information if she is willing later on today. She sat down with me, answered all my questions, and gave me a lot of resources. Moreover she explained my track and exactly what I needed to do. I am so grateful for her proverbially holding my hand for that thirty minutes. I’m much more calm about what to do now than before.

During that discussion I realized that summer class registration is already open! And in an effort to finish my degree at MC quickly, I had initially planned on taking a couple of classes over the summer session. Don’t forget to keep up to date on important school dates! They can be accessed via this link. Summer class registration is open now for both session I and session II. Fall class registration will open soon. Keep plugging away everyone! Don’t forget to make sure you’re headed in the right direction.

hello everyone, you can get to know me a bit better via this link:
i'd love to hear any opinions you may have! =]

Comments (1)

  1. Om you are welcomed to give my contact info. Let folks know that it is easier to reach me via email and if they can not find an appointment with me in Starfish, email me and we will work out a time.

    Professor Baker

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