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MC Voices

I heard something interesting during my church’s service this past weekend, and it left me thinking about how I can apply it to many things in my life. The pastor shared a story about working out and building muscle to growing after difficult times. While at first, it seemed odd to compare both scenarios, I later understood the connection he made for us to see the deeper meaning behind them both.

The story followed as such: when we first begin to weight lift – if we do lol – we begin with small weights. We can start with just five or ten pounds at first, but we must deal with the muscle pain later on. Of course, the pain slowly fades away as you rest for a day or two. And after a certain amount of time, you begin to increase the weight of your weights since you no longer feel the same resistance you felt when you first started. The word resistance is key in this story so don’t forget it. Well, as you make this change, your body does the same thing. The muscles that felt that resistance when you first started lifting got torn while you worked out, but they later grew even more as the muscle fibers regenerated in your body. Isn’t that amazing? Who said humans weren’t interesting!

Just like our muscles grow after they get torn during weightlifting, the same can be said about us. As you go through difficult times during the school year or in life in general, keep in mind this story. The resistance that comes within the problems we face is there for a reason. It is there for us to grow. Believe me, growing is good for you. Growing is not just something physical. It can happen to you mentally, psychologically, or spiritually. Any way you grow, you will learn and reflect on the past. Eventually, you will notice that your opinions change as well as your perspective, and it is often for the good. So I share this message because I believe that we all need to feel some sort of reassurance when going through tough times. This can certainly help us feel more secure and hopeful throughout these last months of the semester.

Remain aware of the resistance you may be feeling as a result of stress, family issues, friendships, self-doubt, and anything that makes you feel out of your regular comfort zone. But also know that those things will pass and that you will have grown and become much stronger after the waters have calmed down.

¡Hola! My name is Meredith and this is my third and last year at MC. I hope to transfer to the Universities at Shady Grove (USG) next fall. My goal is to become an orthodontist and reach out to countries and communities that cannot afford dental care. I hope to share my experience with you all and most importantly enjoy the process as we get through this year together.

I am now 20 years old and exactly 5 feet tall. Don’t let that fool you though; I am a small but concentrated human being. I enjoy talking to people just about anything, and I listen to a lot of music in my free time in both Spanish and English. Music is so special to me, especially if there’s meaning behind the lyrics and if it makes you move like nobody’s watching. I love going to the movies on the weekends.

When it comes to school, I am all for it. I am a low-key (maybe high-key) nerd. I get excited if I’m feeling prepared and organized when I step onto campus, almost like a super hero. Ok, maybe not to everyone. Either way, I always look forward to a new day and what’s to come with it. This doesn’t mean I will always be happy, but I will at least try to overcome what may bring me down.

I have never written a blog about myself, but I do enjoy talking so hopefully that comes in handy -fingers crossed! MC has not just taught me about the many opportunities but also being part of a diverse community might just be the best thing you could ever be part of. I am thankful for this opportunity and I hope you enjoy what I have to share about MC and well, me!

Comments (1)

  1. This is such a motivating blog! I’m so glad I read this because midterms is right around the corner and balancing everything can be hard! Motivation is hard itself! This really uplifted my spirits and definitely motivated me to keep my head up ! Thanks girl for a great motivational post!

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