Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

I have spent the majority of my time at MC at the Germantown campus; however, this semester that changed when I had two classes at Rockville. Right away I noticed some major differences between the two campuses so I thought I would discuss them here.
- Parking. The first thing I noticed about Rockville was the horrible parking. Before going, I had been warned by past MC students about the parking situation, but I was not prepared. At Germantown, there is always an abundance of open parking spots. At Rockville, I have found this to not be the case. When I get to campus, I literally drove around the parking lot for at least 10 minutes waiting for a spot to open up. The worst thing is that normally you have to creepily stalk someone to their car so you can swoop in and grab the spot before someone else. Last week, it looked like there was a hunt going on in the parking lot between all the cars trying to park. I also see many people parking on the street. My friend told me I can park in the garage, but that garage is all the way on the other side of campus and it is too cold outside for me to walk that far because the Rockville campus is so large.
- Size. The second thing I noticed about Rockville was that it was huge compared to the Germantown campus. The 19 buildings on the Rockville campus are pretty daunting compared to the 8 on Germantown. I have been at Rockville for 3 months now and for the first time ventured out of the science building last week. Luckily, I had a few friends who are always on the Rockville campus who showed me where I was going and I also used the map online. Once I figured it out I realized that the Rockville campus has a lot more to offer than Germantown which leads me to my next point – coffee.
- MBI Café. The MBI Café is only found on the Rockville campus and is amazing. It is student run and proudly serves Starbucks coffee! I cannot tell you how many times in the past 3 years that I have been at MC I have exclaimed “Gah, I just need Starbucks!” but did not have time to go get it before class. Now, I can go to the Campus Center Building (first floor) and get my Starbucks coffee all while helping fellow students out. If you have not been yet, definitely check it out!
Both campuses have their pros and cons, but overall I am so happy with my experience at MC! What differences have you found between the campuses?
As you pointed out, each campus has its pluses and minuses and there is a choice to select the right one for your needs…whether you like large vs. small, drive or take a bus, etc. Somehow, I think if I were a student, the campus with the coffee would win 🙂