Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

Six weeks into the semester and 500,000 steps to and from campus. The majority, 4/5, of my classes are online but the last one I take is at 10 AM and located 3 miles away from me at Takoma Park MC. It’s quite a journey every Tuesday and Thursday, but by no means do I despise it. Well, to be honest every morning I don’t feel like doing it, but once I’m on my way there’s nothing stopping me. I have this same attitude to school work. Online classes are a valid and valuable option at MC, but they are by no means a shortcut. There is a ton of work; it’s pretty much a full time job for me to be reading or doing math homework. I never want to start it after the long walk, so I work with myself and let some T.V. enter my diet before I begin on the weekly assignments.

If you have long hours of work, which most college students have, but struggle to maintain your concentration for extended hours, I recommend the 1-1 or 30-30 method. 1 hour or 3o minutes on (working) and 1 hour or 30 minutes off (rest or eating). Oh and last, GO FOR A WALK. I cannot stress this enough if you want to feel good about your body and yourself or you just need to relax; the best way to do that is simply to walk. Balance is key to anything, but college for sure.
Like your graphic Jake! It looks like me before I have a pot of coffee 😉 But seriously, at first when I read 3 miles was quite a distance to go, I figured you were driving. Then, I realized you are walking! Wow – this is some dedication to get to your class! I like your suggestions about taking a break because most of us – well, likely none of us – can keep concentration for very long. Even a 5 minute distraction is helpful to ‘unclutter the brain’. Great suggestion. I look forward to reading your blogs!