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With Thanksgiving approaching, it is always nice to reflect on what we are thankful for. I am lucky because I have so much to be thankful for this year.

First off, I am thankful for my amazing family. Without my family, there is no way I would be where I am today. When I got sick with Chronic Lyme disease six years ago, I never could have imagined the toll it would take on my family. I can never thank my family enough for all they have done for me over the years. There have been many occasions when someone has had to wash my hair because I am too tired to do it myself. There have been times when I have literally had to be carried form place to place because I am paralyzed and cannot move. Yet, my family never complains. They are always there no matter the time or place. I am thankful to have been born into the best family in the world.

There is a special person in my family that I am extremely thankful for and that is my 10 month old nephew Braxton. Braxton is quite literally the reason I get out of bed most days-because I nanny him and he wakes me up to tell me it is time to play. Even on my worst days, when it feels like the world is crashing down around me, Braxton makes me smile. When I see his sweet, big brown eyes smiling up at me, it gives me the strength to get through my day. I am so honored and thankful to have this sweet little angel of a nephew in my world.

The next thing that I am thankful for is none other than Montgomery College. When I had to leave Salisbury University after the fall of 2015, I thought my life was over. I remember thinking “I am never going to get a degree,” but thankfully, I was very wrong. When I felt well enough, I looked into going part-time at Montgomery College. I was very hesitant, as I was still not feeling 100% yet, but still I applied and got in. Now I am in my 3rd semester at MC, I am part of the Terp Transfer Program at the Universities of Shady Grove and have a tentative new plan for my future. Before school started though, I started the process of getting Disability Support Services. Without the support from DSS, I would not be making it through school, so I am very thankful for DSS.

I started off slowly with two classes twice a week, and that was enough.  I was still forced to miss some classes as my health got in the way, and I still have to miss classes occasionally even now. Thankfully, all of my professors at MC have been extremely understanding and helpful. Never once has a professor questioned my illness or absences, which is amazing considering some of the horror stories I have heard from students at other schools. Thus, I am extremely thankful and grateful to all the professors at MC.

Finally, I am thankful for the MC voices blogger program. I am thankful that I get to come on here and write every week about the school that has changed my life and get to, hopefully, help others as well.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am a 19-year-old lifelong resident of Damascus, Maryland. I am in my 3rd semester as a part-time student at MC. I plan on getting my Associates Degree in the next couple of years and then transferring to the University of Maryland at the Universities at Shady Grove (health permitting).

MC has been my academic home for the past year and I could not be happier. I started off my collegiate experience at Salisbury University in the fall of 2015, but due to my Chronic Lyme Disease, I was forced to drop out. I thought my academic life was over, as I was too ill to handle a full course-load, but that is when I discovered the part-time option at MC. MC gave the choice to take as many, or as few classes as I wanted, and because of this, I am now back on track to getting my degree. MC also offered me disability support services to further assist me in accomplishing my dreams.

I hope that this blog can help other students like me to see that even though they may not be taking the “traditional” route towards higher education, MC offers load of opportunities that will get us where we want to go. Whether you aren’t sure where you want to end up in life, or have another obstacle, like a chronic illness or disability, you can still reach for the stars and accomplish anything they want to here at MC. 

Comments (2)

  1. Having support when the chips are down is so essential to our healing. You have much to be grateful for! I am happy to hear you love the blogger program!
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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