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Hey Raptors,

Welcome to a new semester. If you are like me, you are excited to start school, but one week in and you are like, “can this be over already.” I think the most exciting thing about starting this semester is the fact that I am in my third semester of nursing school. Only one more semester left before graduating MC’s rigorous and intense nursing program. Probably doesn’t mean anything to you, but let me tell you why it should.

August of last year, which was the start of a new semester, I wasn’t sure if I was going to go to school. I got admitted into the nursing program, I did all my requirements and with two weeks to the start of the semester, I realized I had no financial aid or loans. “Okay cool,” I said. I can pick up extra hours at work and try to pay these school fees out of pocket.

The very next day, I lost my job. As if that’s not enough, I picked up my class schedule and realized work wasn’t even going to be an option. You see, I was still thinking about my prerequisite classes where I could do it all (be a full-time student and full-time worker), but this was nursing school. I realized I probably wasn’t mentally ready, much less financially ready. Here I was with no job, no financial aid, no loans, and a lot of bills (rent, phone, car, insurance…). How do I do all of this? Do I quit and try again next year?

I am here today because I didn’t quit.

It was the hardest yet most fun semester and year of my life. I am in my third semester and it has all been worth it. I had to do a lot of trusting in God and learning to fear the unknown less. If you have found yourself in a similar situation or a worse situation, don’t quit, it might not look like you can do it, but believe me, you have the strength in you to do it (proverbs 3:5).

Next week I will be talking about paying for classes at MC.


Hi, my name is Kandi and I am a third semester nursing student. I am happy and excited to be a part of MC voices to not only Mc as a whole but to nursing students, foreign students without immediate family in the United States, African students, and new students. Why because that’s what makes me, I am all of that and much more.

I am a Cameroonian who has lived in the United States for almost 5years. I am a Christian and a believer in Christ and also a very optimistic person. I make and share a lot of encouraging/inspirational/motivational Videos and post on Instagram @uniquelykandi.

If you are new to MC welcome,
If you are new to the nursing program, welcome,
If you new to the United States, welcome.

I believe we will have a lot of fun sharing and learning from each other.
Philippians 4:4

Comments (4)

    1. Thank you Emily for reading, I am glad that I didn’t give up too despite the odds. Wish you the best too this semester. We got this!

        1. Hey Virgina, thank you. I hope that my blogs help you with whatever information or just anything that can make your stay at MC more comfortable. I wish you the best this semester.

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