Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

Hey everybody! I hope you are all hanging in there from the end of Spring Break and the current events circulating the news right now. I wanted to share this post to maybe inspire hope and give us all a break from the current negative information that is being circulated through our society.
“Invest in this time wisely. Rest. Reset. Release. Redefine. Realign. Make sure you come out of this cocoon as a butterfly.” Quote provided by Eternal Sunshine, meditation app.
I know this time may be scary and unsettling. Montgomery College has begun the process to transfer classes online, the grocery stores are out of toilet paper and meat (???) and suddenly everyone is expected to work from home or left without a job.
But, there is hope that things will get better and improve in the months to come. In the meantime, here are some resources to get you through this!
- Located on the Coronavirus page on the MC website, is valuable resources for what to do if a student suddenly finds themselves without food, financial support or even resources to continue working from home. Students looking for financial assistance, whether it be groceries, receiving a laptop, and supplies can reach out to professors to advocate for each student and then send the email request to Donna Pina and Joyce Matthews.
- Keep Americans Connected Program is also a vital resource that connects citizens with free internet access during the Pandemic. This will help for those who may not have access to secure internet access while taking online classes.
- Montgomery County has also provided a ton of resources to help make this unfortunate time a bit easier for families and students. There’s food resources, housing resources, even resources to demonstrate how to properly wash hands!
I hope you guys are taking great care of each other and remembering to wash your hands! Don’t forget to practice social distancing and make sure you continue to wash your phone screens.
Leave comments down below for how you’re surviving social distancing or tips for others to read!
Hey Kayla, great to read your post and thanks for connecting. It has been an unsettling time for many of us and your positive note is just what we need.
Hope to see you in person again soon,
Hi Arleen, It’s so good to hear from you! I hope you’re staying safe and finding things to keep you busy. I’m sending positivity your way and know this will all clear up soon! Stay Safe,
Kayla !