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I wish there was an easier way to say goodbye. Maybe it’s a “hello”?

I’ve had a wonderful year being an MC blogger and I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world. I have seen myself struggle at times, but I found there’s always something to write about. If being a student blogger has taught me anything, it would be that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. There’s no shortcut to my goal, I’ve learned. If I do my best in everything I do, I will get the results I want.

This is my last blog post (I am graduating!) and I want to dedicate it to everyone who became a part of this journey with me.


To Montgomery College:

Thank you. For everything. I am forever grateful for the knowledge and experiences I gained.

To the readers: 

THANK YOU! You’re the reason we are doing what we do.

To MC Communications Department: 

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share our stories with other students. It has truly been an honor to be part of this program.


So long, my friends! Good luck on finals and have a Merry Christmas!



Ray Ann V.



My name is Ray Ann. I grew up wanting to be a lot of things. Being a lot older now, I realize you never really grow out of those dreams.

I’m 23 years old, barely 5 ft. tall and often mistaken as a high school student. But you know what they say — good things come in small packages. Despite me being a little vertically challenged, I’m a huge basketball fan. I love fast cars and fast…food. I love the color pink and my friends’ sense of humor. I aspire to be the realistic half of my favorite female fiction characters: to be bold and fearless like Nikita, witty, intelligent and fashionable like Blair Waldorf and sweet and sassy like Cher Horowitz.

Being a blogger means a lot of things. We write about anything and everything, including our own lives. We can choose to be private or be an open book. But I hope to share only meaningful and helpful things to anyone who reads my blogs. Montgomery College will always be a big part of my life as it gave me an opportunity to find myself and discover the things I love and gave me all the more reason to be myself.

Let’s believe in each other. 

Comments (2)

  1. So for real you are graduating! I am so happy I got to have you back another semester and wish I could keep you longer. You were extremely prompt and conscientious and always had excellent thoughtful content. Please stay in touch and best of luck. Are you continuing to four year college? I am sure whatever you decide to do, you are going to be successful at it and well like.

  2. Congratulations! Your posts were so interesting to read and I wish you luck wherever you may go. We’ll miss you!

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