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Hindi Words of the Week:

वसंत Vasant (vuh-suh-nnth) – spring

आनंदAnand (aah-nuh-nnd) – happiness

Hi Raptors! Spring break is here! I hope you all have some good plans for the time off ahead. I plan on sleeping. I vow to catch up on all the sleep I’ve missed so far this semester haha. I also plan on catching up on my video games and TV shows, break priorities and all. However, just because break is on doesn’t mean that college will be completely forgotten. I want to leave you guys with some tips for how to prep passively during break so when you come back it isn’t too hectic.

  1. Go through any notes you have and toss away all repeats. Keep only tests and notes that don’t repeat more than once.
  2. If you have a full notebook, or one that’s almost full, toss it. Just get a new one so that your new notes are fresh.
  3. Keep all your textbooks in one place for easy access.
  4. Group your class materials by class bunches, i.e. if two classes are on the same day, keep the materials for them together.
  5. Do all your spring break homework ASAP. Remember, the quicker you get it done, the more stress-free days you have over break.
  6. Pre-pack your backpack with the things you’ll need for the first day of classes after spring break.

Have a great vacation guys!

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i'd love to hear any opinions you may have! =]

Comments (1)

  1. Love the colorful flowers shown. I can’t wait – enough of the deep freeze! Good tips also to allow students to enjoy their break a little more!

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