By Ashley Neyra As I mentioned previously in part 1, I've been at Montgomery College…

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your finals this semester, and unsure of how you’re going to pass? No worries! Take it from this student that has 6 finals to complete all within the same week! While yes, it is chaotic, it’s possible! Here are my five tips on how to succeed and prepare yourself for your tests.
But first, a motivational quote!
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, I’M, POSSIBLE.” – Aubrey Hepburn
I went with a really cliche quote today as a reminder, that all is possible! We create what we put out. In order to pass your finals, you have to work at it and believe it’s possible to pass. But let’s get started!
1. Write It Out-
I promise it helps to write out everything that you have on your to-do list. Whether it’s chores or class assignments or your finals, I cannot stress this enough to write out EVERYTHING. Even if you think it’s goofy, like, “ask a teacher if I can use pen vs pencil.” writing down everything you need to remember the week of finals will be so helpful when it comes time.
2. Prioritize Your Material –
So many students experience burnout during Finals season because they don’t know how to prioritize what they’re studying. If there’s a class that you know is a bit harder than your easy A English class, it’s probably more important to study the tougher material. Not saying you shouldn’t study for your easier classes, but priorities! Prioritize in a way that makes sense and will help you succeed.
3. Study In Bursts –
This tip, HAS TO BE the most important aspect of studying for finals. I’ve had friends come to me the night before big tests or presentations flustered because they waited to the last minute to study or spent the entire trying to cram in the material. While cramming might make you lucky for one final, it will become less useful when you have additional finals to study for. Pace yourself and study in bursts! If you study for 45 minutes, take a break for 15 minutes. And do that for each study session. Don’t overwhelm yourself and don’t wait until the last minute!
4. Prepare Your Workspace –
Now that you’ve studied and your room has magically turned into a pig-sty. It’s time to start cleaning and physically preparing for your finals. You can’t take a test if your workstation has candy wrappers or old homework assignments slathered across it. Consider cleaning your entire workspace (not just your desk) before your tests! You will feel better, and even your room will harness some positive energy!
5. Reward Yourself!
Now that you’ve finished studying or maybe even have finished your finals it’s time to rewards yourself for all of the hard work you’ve put in all semester! Was there a book you were looking forward to reading? Or maybe a show you put off all semester? Now is the time to sit back and enjoy all the hard work that will pay off.
Good luck with Finals Raptors! I believe in you all!
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, I’M, POSSIBLE.” – Aubrey Hepburn
this is very excellent quot.
Thank you so much for the response! It’s honestly one of my favorite quotes!