In the early weeks of the 2025 Smithsonian Faculty Fellowship experience, the Fellows are treated…
Every February, our outgoing Smithsonian Faculty Fellows share their work with the Montgomery College community. In spite of a global pandemic, the tradition continued. The 2020 Fellows faced a series of unprecedented challenges. Only one museum seminar happened in a museum. Remaining visits were not only remote, but had to be moved from the spring to the fall. This meant that Fellows had to rework their projects for a virtual environment while also participating in the remote seminars. What was the result? We were all wowed with the innovation, resiliency and quality of work that was produced. The work of the 2020 Fellows was shared over the last two Thursdays of February and included the following presentations:
Teresa Peachey, Meteorology, RV The Earliest Human Footprints on Climate
Craig Benson, Chemistry, RV, Ancient Carbon in Modern Times
Van Scott, Mathematics, RV, Piecing Together the Climate Change Challenge
Chip Gladson, English, GT, The Virtual Museum Experience: A Bridge to Student Agency
Barbara Wolff, Anthropology, RV, Humans and the Footprints We Leave: A Grand Challenge to 21st Century Archaeology
Alejandra Morales Picard, Psychology,RV, Exploring developmental effects of environmental change.
Gina Wesley, Biology, RV, Life on a Geologic Timescale: Diversification, Mass Extinction, Climate and Us
Bill Krayer, Meteorology, RV, Proxy Data: Windows into Past and Present Climate Change
Brandon Wallace, Education, TPSS, Student-Teachers in the West Supporting Learners in the East: Creating Culturally Responsive Lessons for Students in the United Arab Emirates About Climate Change
Mercia Rindler, English, RV, Meeting the Challenge: A Look into Deep Time, and a Step Forward to Living a Sustainable Lifestyle
Sowmi Areke, Media Arts and Technology, RV/GT/TPSS, Anthropocene: An Evolving Reality
Joining us for the afternoon were the 2021 Faculty Fellows, Deans, Chairs and faculty from Montgomery College as well as Philippa Rappoport, our wonderful Smithsonian Partner from the Smithsonian Center for Digital Learning and Access (SCLDA), and Darren Milligan, Acting Director of SCLDA which oversees our Fellowship program.
For those who couldn’t attend, all presentations were filmed and will be available on You Tube.
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