Archive News
Our 2025 Theme is here!!! Museums as Catalysts for Collaborative Change in a Complex World
By 2022, the Smithsonian will build on its unique strengths to engage and to inspire more people, where they are, with greater impact, while catalyzing critical conversation on issues affecting our nation and the world” (Smithsonian Annual Performance Plan, 2022,…
How Oral History Is Informing and Transforming the Newest Smithsonian Institution Museum
When I last visited the National Museum of African American History and Culture, I started in the lowest level of the History Galleries and gradually made my way through “Slavery and Freedom 1400 – 1877”; “Defending Freedom, Defining Freedom: The Era…
When Portraits Come Alive: Activities to Deepen Engagement and Thinking at the National Portrait Gallery
As soon as the Smithsonian Faculty Fellowship cohort arrived at the Donald W. Reynolds Center for American Art and Portraiture, they were escorted by Briana Zavadil White to one of the National Portrait Gallery’s classrooms. There, the fellows discovered five…
Exploring Space Through a Revisionist Lens
Well, any hopes of escaping the spring break crowds were dashed as soon as the fellows arrived at The Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum on Thursday, April 4th. Fortunately, the collective efforts of co-coordinators, Smithsonian liaisons, and even a…
Excavating History with Contemporary Purpose at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Spring break crowds flooded the exhibition halls of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History this past week, putting even more pressure on our guides to deliver stimulating presentations about their respective work. Fortunately, they were up for the challenge.…