Archive News
Museum Seminars are Underway!
The 21st year of the Montgomery College-Smithsonian Faculty Fellowship got off to a rousing start on March 1. This year’s opening panel took place at the National Museum of American History (NMAH), a fitting place to kick off our theme,…
Showcase celebrates work of SFF2017!
On February 22, the members of the 2017 Smithsonian Faculty Fellowship presented their work to the greater college community. This marked the culmination of their year long fellowship, and allowed each to showcase the work they had done with their…
The 2018 Fellowship is underway!
On January 25, 2017 the new 2018 Smithsonian Faculty Fellows met for the first time. They were greeted by Sara Ducey, Director, Paul Peck Humanities Institute who welcomed them to the program. Following introductions by each of the Fellows, Mimi…
Announcing the 2018 Smithsonian Faculty Fellows!!!!
Psst… the word is out! We have a great new SFF Cohort for 2018 and our theme, “We the People: America’s Grand and Radical Experiment with Democracy”. As expected, we had a large group of strong applicants for this theme.…
Calling all potential Smithsonian Faculty Fellows!!!
The theme for our 2018 Montgomery College-Smithsonian Faculty Fellowship year has been made official: We The People: American’s Grand and Radical Experiment with Democracy. This signature program of the Paul Peck Humanities Institute offers faculty an unparalleled professional development opportunity…