Archive News
(Re)imagining Youth Engagement- Lessons from NMAI
Our Spring 2021 seminar series ended with a wonderful afternoon prepared by curators and educators from the National Museum of the American Indian. One of the challenges of the Pandemic has been to adapt museum exhibitions and resources to an…
Serving Community in the 21st Century: NMAAHC
Another highlight of the Fellowship year is the annual presentation by staff from the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC), and this year's seminar on April 29, continued that tradition. One enduring highlight of these meetings has…
Addressing 21st-Century Challenges through the Eyes of NMAH and CFCH
Our April 22nd seminar was hosted jointly by the National Museum of American History (NMAH) and the Smithsonian's Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage (CFCH). Dr. Margaret Salazar-Porzio, Curator of Latinx History and Culture in the Division of Home and…
4/15 Hung Lui: Portraits of Promised Lands
On April 15 the Fellows had the rare opportunity to have artist Hung Lui join us to talk about her upcoming exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery (NPG), "Hung Liu: Portraits of Promised Lands," which will open in August of…
Looking Back and Forward: How Deep Time Informs our Present and our Future
Our next seminar brought us to the Deep Time exhibit at the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) which looks at climate change through the lens of history. Scott Wing, Research Geologist and Curator of Paleobotany at NMNH led off…