by Professor Melissa McCeney During the fall semester, Introductory Psychology students visited the Smithsonian National…
This was a bumper year for applications for the Smithsonian Faculty Fellowship, and the Committee charged with selecting the new group of fellows deliberated long and hard . With a limited number of spots avaiable, and a record number of outstanding applciations received, the process was not easy. That said, we are proud to announce the 2019 Smithsonian Faculty Fellows! They are:
Professor Matthew Decker, English, TPSS
Professor Lucinda Grinnell, Women’s Studies, RV
Professor Megan Howard, English, RV
Professor Iyelli Ichile, History, RV
Professor Alison Melley, Psychology, GT
Professor Jarek Michalonek, ELAP, RV
Professor Hoa Nguyen, Economics, RV
Professor Vincent Patterson, Music, RV
Professor Genesis Powers, ELAP TPSS
Professor Michelle Prendergast, English, GT
Professor Tracie Witte, Sociology, RV
Please welcome us in congratulating each of these outstanding faculty members. We are looking forward to a great 2019!
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