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2024: Teaching and Learning with the Smithsonian: Creating Classroom Conversations that foster a hopeful future to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

2023:The Evolving Role of Museums: Preserving the Past, Portraying the Present, and Shaping the Future.’

2022:Social Justice in the time of Pandemic:  The Hurdles Behind, the Urgency of Now, and Moving Forward after Covid

2021:Facing the Complex, Multiple Challenges of the 21st Century.

2020: Humans and the Footprints We Leave: Climate Change and Other Critical Challenges

2019: The Search for an American Identity: Building a Nation Together

2018: We the People: America’s Grand and Radical Experiment with Democracy

2017:  Social Justice: America’s Unfinished Story of Strife, Sacrifice, and Struggle

2016: American Ingenuity, Identity and Enterprise

2015: “I, Too, Am America”: Understanding the American Immigrant Experience

2014: From the Old Worlds to the New: How Exploration & Trade Shaped Modern .America

2013: Forging America’s Identity: Critical Encounters and Cross-Cultural Exchange

2012: American Experience: The Quest for Identity

2011: The Politics of Identity: Race in 21st Century America

2010: Museums at a Crossroads: Engaging a “Post Racial” Society

2009: A Lens on Social Justice: Creating Exhibits that Matter

2008: The Increase and Diffusion of Knowledge: Revisiting the Mission

2007: The Politics, Poetics and Promise of Collecting: The Responsibility of Museums

2006: Museums as Portals: Preserving the Past, Portraying the Present and Shaping The Future

2005: The Preservation of Cultures through the Arts & Humanities

2004: The Politics of Civil Rights: Inclusion and Exclusion in the Arts & Humanities

2003: EPluribus Unum: Ideals/Challenges/Realities

2002: American Identities: Representations and Misrepresentations

2001: American Identities: Arts and Culture

2000: Humanities, Technology, and Higher Education

1999: Three Hundred Years of the American Worker

1998: The African Diaspora

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