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Although we had all hoped to be back in the museums this fall, all things Covid-19 means that most of the Smithsonian system continues to be closed. Philippa Rappoport, our wonderful Smithsonian partner,  did a terrific job rescheduling our cancelled spring seminars as virtual meetings, with the first of those taking place today.

At the center of the afternoon was a behind the scenes look at the exhibit, “Many Voices, One Nation”, housed at the National Museum of American History (NMAH).  Steve Velasquez,  a Curator for the Division of Cultural and Community Life at NMAH, led the first part of the afternoon. Fellows learned a lot about the process of creating and mounting a major exhibit. Insight was gained into the types of questions, decisions, challenges and compromises that happen throughout the process. He provided a wonderful  tour of the exhibit itself, with slides  that allowed the Fellows to experience the exhibit virtually. There was ample time for questions, and  the ensuing discussion provided ideas about how to provide students with a virtual museum experience.

Later in the afternoon Orlando Serrano, Jr, who manages the NMAH’s educational programs for young people and educators joined us. He has been part of the team who  developed  Essential Understandings, which he shared with the group. This resource  provides a framework for addressing topics associated with the “Many Voices, One Nation” exhibit. It is rich in resources for educators and provides a pedagogical structure that  can be easily adapted to other topics.  It was no surprise that Fellows were quick to see ways to apply to their own projects.

While we all wished we had been able to visit the exhibit in person, the group was grateful for the opportunity to return to the Smithsonian virtually.

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