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Fix the Break!

Here we are! The semester is over for most of us - some of us have a final tomorrow morning (me) after bartending tonight (also me), and feel really good about everything so far (also me again). Time flies when…

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2017 Ready

And we made it!! It is always a great feeling at the end of the semester. And for some of us, it might just be what were waiting for since the beginning of September. But time flew by so fast! I…

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Letting it Air Out

It's the last week for school and for my stay at Montgomery College, it's definitely been a learning experience(no pun intended). I've changed my intended major more times than I can count on my hand. I've flipped back and forth…

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Goodbye but not farewell

Wow. The semester is close to an end. It is always a pleasure to share my insights and experience at Montgomery College with you all. I hope that you all finish the semester strong and enjoy your winter holiday.   But I…

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L for Lost

It always starts as a simple walk in the wrong direction. And as you go, you realize the places and buildings are becoming less and less familiar. The lights don't flicker the same way and every brush of chill in…

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You ever have this happen?

You study really hard for a test, thinking you got everything covered. You go and take the test...every bit you missed during studying just happened to be on there. You just say to yourself  "cool, nice, great...feels real good...everything is…

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