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Dance Master Classes

Montgomery College Dance Program   Master Class Schedule   Friday, 11 October Hip-Hop Instructor: Dayna Crawmer 2:30-3:45 p.m.   Friday, 18 October Gender and Identify Expression Through Dance Instructor: Sarah Beth Oppenheimer 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.   Friday, 25 October Isadora…

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Let’s Make Art!

Hindi words of the week: कला Kala (kuh-la) - art रंग Rang (rung) - color Hello everyone! It's a new semester here at Montgomery college and I hope you're doing well! This semester I have the wonderful privelege of taking…

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Be Mindful at MC

Do you know that, according to the National Alliance on Mental Health, 50% of college students report having anxiety and/or poor mental health? I’m not afraid to admit that I am part of that 50%. I have struggled with anxiety…

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DrEaMiNg In CoDeS…

I aspire to be at this level of confidence and learn these various coding languages. Image Credit: Coding Dojo

Did you know that coding works like a language? I realized this fact after having, what appeared to be, my first “coding” dream.

I started to learn how to code not too long when I took the Java Mini Bootcamp at MC back in August. The course was one of the tuition-free job training programs designed to strengthen the workforce in the Information Technology (IT) and Cybersecurity industries.

I came into the program having no prior coding experience. I only had my background in international studies and my wish to develop more digestible and engaging ways for people to exchange knowledge, connect with one another and understand the complex global connections that shape our world. I also understood that technology plays a key role in facilitating information sharing and breaking down complex issues and ideas in the simplest of ways. Hence, I thought that the Bootcamp would enable me to unlock insights and connections between IT and my previous fields of interests.

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Don’t Quit

Hey Raptors, Welcome to a new semester. If you are like me, you are excited to start school, but one week in and you are like, “can this be over already.” I think the most exciting thing about starting this…

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