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The Making of a Mural

Late this past summer I saw a call for artists to participate in the Shade Mural Festival, which was jointly sponsored by Montgomery College and Denizens Brewery on East-West Highway. I inquired about the project and thought it would be…

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Hindi words of the week: समय Samay (sum-ay) - time वक्त Waqt (vuh-kth) - time Hey everyone, it’s that time of the semester again; it’s time to register for classes for next semester. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your view,…

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The Crucible Tech!

Performance dates: Wednesday, November 6 - Saturday, November 9 starting at 8 p.m. Sunday, November 10 starting at 2 p.m. Robert E. Parilla Performing Arts Center, Rockville campus. For more information and to purchase ticket visit the PAC website.

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