By Professor Ali Alavi The integration of interdisciplinarity in learning continues to generate a great deal of interest in academia. Educators are innovating experiential learning activities for their students to explore topics in their programs of study in larger, richer, and multifaceted contexts, thereby accomplishing the learning outcomes of their courses more effectively while allowing […]
By Sharon Anthony, Elizabeth Benton, Schai Schairer, Jarvis Slacks In August 2021, then-president of Montgomery College, Dr. DeRionne Pollard recommended that several deans meet with Ms. Schai Schairer, a graduate of Montgomery College who had started a nonprofit organization that focused on working with incarcerated women at the Maryland Correctional Institute for Women (MCIW). By […]
By Rebin Muhammad, Ph.D. In first grade when I was in Iraq, I took my first art class. Given that my parents weren’t well-educated, and my dad was embroiled in the Iran-Iraq war, art had never been a part of our home life. I do not recall that we ever had colored pencils while I […]
By Esther Schwartz-McKinzie, Ph.D. I offer this advice for my colleagues who are eligible to apply for a sabbatical project at Montgomery College but have not done so yet: Ask yourself where you need to grow and do it. Sabbaticals create opportunities for personal expansion and self-challenge that are unique among the professions. I have […]
By Professor Tuere Marshall, Professor of English, retired As I retire this summer from my faculty position in the English department, reflections on my teaching career are flooding in. The seed for teaching was first planted during those twelve years of my early education when my teachers up through high school were nuns of the […]
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