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Dear Neighbors,

Thank you for your interest in the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus construction projects. We strive to keep our neighbors informed about significant construction events with this weekly email notification.

This notice provides information on the construction of the Catherine and Isiah Leggett Building the campus library renovation in the Resource Center, and the Facilities Master Plan work for Montgomery College.

Upcoming activities are listed below:

Facilities Master Plan

  • Final Plan Meeting: Thank you to all who joined us for our last virtual meeting focused on the final draft of the Facilities Master Plan for the Takoma Park/Silver Spring campus! To view the recording of the session, please visit our website.

Project Update Forum

  • Thank you to all who joined us for our quarterly virtual Project Update Forum. This session provided an update on the status of the Leggett Math and Science Building and the Library/Resource Center Renovation projects and gave an overview of upcoming phases. To view the recording of this session, please visit our website.

Leggett Building—Construction

  • Takoma Avenue Work: The initial phase of work has been completed and activity for the creation of the new parking lot entrance on Takoma Avenue is continuing both inside and outside the fence line. As part of this work, demolition of concrete will take place using sawcutting measures to minimize noise. The pouring of the new sidewalk and curbs will occur in mid-October, with concrete trucks present on Takoma Avenue while work is occurring. The sidewalk on Takoma Avenue near the driveway entrance will be partially closed for the duration of this work. 
  • New York Avenue Work: The work to replace the internal campus roadway leading from New York Avenue is nearing completion 
  • Deliveries: As previously updated, materials are being delivered on-site for use within the structure. All trucks are required to follow designated routes to and from the site and must enter and exit on Fenton Street from Philadelphia.

Library/Resource Center—Renovation

  • Roof Painting: The existing roof of the Library/Resource Center is being re-painted. The paint is applied via spray and no additional noise is expected.
  • Main Entrance: Excavation for the new entryway to the Library/Resource Center continues to advance. Noise is minimal but consistent as this work progresses.
  • Site Work: Sawcutting and the removal of concrete for the installation of fiber cables for the building’s internet connection is complete.
  • Exterior Work: The exterior framework installation for the new façade continues.

Thank you,
The Montgomery College Team

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