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Dear Neighbors,

Thank you for your interest in the Leggett Building construction project at the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus. We will strive to keep our neighbors informed about significant construction events with this weekly email notification.

This notice will continue to provide information on the construction of the Catherine and Isiah Leggett Building construction and will now include updates regarding the HVAC rooftop replacement on Pavilions 1 and 2 and the campus library renovation in the Resource Center.

The rooftop units on the P1 and P2 buildings located at New York and Chicago Avenues are well past their useful life at over 50 years old. The units must be replaced to ensure healthy and safe environments for employees and students. Funded by federal pandemic relief funds, this work enables the College to comport with the Centers for Disease Control and American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers guidelines for airflow and air quality inside buildings.

Renovations for the library, located in the Resource Center building on New York Avenue, are expected to begin later this year. The primary goal of this project is to renovate the interior of the 61-year-old building to provide a modern library for students. The project will also address the building’s structural integrity and enhance ADA compliance to include a new enclosed entry facing the interior of the campus.

All projects will comply with all City, County, and State regulations and construction and permitting requirements including noise ordinances, tree protection, and road closures.

Upcoming activities are listed below:

Leggett Building—Construction 

  • Deliveries: Deliveries of materials are continuing to be received for installation within the structure. All trucks are required to follow designated routes to and from the site and must enter and exit on Fenton Street from Philadelphia.
  • Hauling Materials: Soil continues to be replaced and removed from the site as necessary.

Pavilions 1 and 2—HVAC Replacement

  • Traffic and Parking: No workers or trucks are permitted to park in the neighborhood. Workers will follow designated traffic routes and will park in the College’s East Garage.
  • Deliveries: Several small delivery trucks are expected throughout the week. Delivery trucks may park temporarily on New York Avenue.
  • Rooftop Work: Work will begin to prepare the roofs of Pavilions 1 and 2 for the replacement HVAC rooftop air handling units.

Library/Resource Center—Renovation

  • The College held a community meeting recently and is continuing to gather community feedback about the project. We will provide updates when the renovations move forward.

Please visit the project’s website at for additional information. You may contact us with questions at or call the project hotline at 800-879-9879.

Thank you,

The Montgomery College Team

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