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Dear Neighbors,

Thank you for your interest in the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus construction projects. We strive to keep our neighbors informed about significant construction events with this weekly email notification.

This notice will continue to provide information on the construction of the Catherine and Isiah Leggett Building construction and will now include updates regarding the HVAC rooftop replacement on Pavilions 1 and 2 (P1 and P2) and the campus library renovation in the Resource Center.

Upcoming activities are listed below:

Leggett Building—Construction 

  • Deliveries: Materials are continuing to be delivered for installation within the structure. All trucks are required to follow designated routes to and from the site and must enter and exit on Fenton Street from Philadelphia.
  • Interior Work: Work on the interior of the structure is continuing, including installation of ductwork, piping, and electrical conduit, as well as placement of metal framing and drywall for interior walls. Stairs are being installed within the structure.
  • Crane Mobilization: A crane has been delivered for the installation of mechanical equipment on the rooftop of the structure. The crane will remain on site for one to two additional weeks.

Pavilions 1 and 2—HVAC Replacement

  • Deliveries of HVAC Units and Crane: On July 19 and 20, new HVAC units and a crane will be delivered onto the site from Chicago Avenue. This effort will take up to eight hours each day. To facilitate access to the site and temporarily park trucks, Henley Construction will reserve several Chicago Avenue metered parking spaces. Workers with flags will guide traffic to avoid traffic disruptions.
  • Excavation: A small excavating machine will be used to dig a trench in the P2 yard facing New York Avenue to allow for underground piping installation. This work will only begin after approval of the Tree Protection Plan, which is pending with the City and includes the installation of tree protection fencing around the magnolia tree and root pruning of its roots by a certified arborist.
  • Rooftop Work: Installation of steel framing to support the new units will continue.
  • Other Deliveries: Several other deliveries will be made throughout the week. Trucks will access the site from Chicago Avenue, with no traffic disruptions expected on Chicago Avenue or New York Avenue.

Library/Resource Center—Renovation

  • Community Feedback: A second community meeting regarding this project was held on June 30. Recordings of the meetings are available on the website. Further updates regarding this project will occur at the regularly scheduled Project Update Forums.

Please visit our website for additional information on all three TP/SS construction projects. As always, you may contact us with questions at

Thank you,

The Montgomery College Team

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