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Dear Neighbors,

Thank you for your interest in the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus construction projects. We strive to keep our neighbors informed about significant construction events with this weekly email notification.

This notice will continue to provide information on the construction of the Catherine and Isiah Leggett Building construction and will now include updates regarding the HVAC rooftop replacement on Pavilions 1 and 2 (P1 and P2) and the campus library renovation in the Resource Center.

Upcoming activities are listed below:

Leggett Building—Construction 

  • Deliveries: Materials are continuing to be delivered for installation within the structure. All trucks are required to follow designated routes to and from the site and must enter and exit on Fenton Street from Philadelphia.
  • Interior Work: Work on the interior of the structure continues, along with the installation of stairs.
  • Crane Mobilization: A crane is present on site for the installation of mechanical equipment on the rooftop of the structure. The crane will potentially remain for another week.

Pavilions 1 and 2—HVAC Replacement

  • Deliveries of HVAC Units and Crane: On Tuesday, July 19, and Wednesday, July 20, the new HVAC units and a crane will be delivered onto the site from Chicago Avenue. Once in the project site, the crane will be used to lift the HVAC units onto the rooftop. If there are unforeseen delays, work will be completed on July 21. Several deliveries will occur and will take place over the course of 10 hours each day. The trucks may access a portion of Islington Street from Chicago Avenue to maneuver onto the site. With approval from the City of Takoma Park, Henley Construction has reserved several Chicago Avenue metered parking spaces to mitigate disruptions and facilitate access to the site over these three days. Additionally, workers with flags will guide traffic to avoid disruptions.
  • Excavation: The City of Takoma Park approved the project’s Tree Protection Plan. The permit is posted on the project website. Once the implementation of all required tree protection measures is complete, excavation in the P2 yard facing New York Avenue to allow for underground piping installation will begin.

  • Other Deliveries: Several smaller deliveries are expected throughout the week. Trucks will access the site from Chicago Avenue and park on the site.

Library/Resource Center—Renovation

  • No project updates at this time.

Please visit our website for additional information on all three TP/SS construction projects. As always, you may contact us with questions at

Thank you,

The Montgomery College Team

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