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Dear Neighbors,

Thank you for your interest in the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus construction projects. We strive to keep our neighbors informed about significant construction events with this weekly email notification.

This notice provides information on the construction of the Catherine and Isiah Leggett Building, the campus library renovation in the Resource Center, and the East Campus Garage repair for Montgomery College.

Upcoming activities and information:

General Project Updates

As we near completion for both the Leggett Building and Library/Resource Center projects, the following changes will be made to our community engagement processes.

  • Hotline Changes: The previous hotline number is no longer in use. For any campus related inquiries or comments, we ask that you call the following numbers: for non-urgent issues 240-567-1563, for urgent issues 240-567-3333, and for emergency situations always call 9-1-1. These numbers will be monitored by the College for communications and response.
  • Weekly Email Changes: Our email communications will now be delivered on a monthly frequency. Monthly emails will be delivered on the first Friday of each month. This change will be in effect starting in September, with our first email delivery on September 6. 
  • Ice Cream Social: Join us for an ice cream social to celebrate the community’s invaluable contributions in making The Catherine and Isiah Leggett Math and Science Building a reality and to thank you for your patience during the construction phase. The event will take place on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the planetarium of the Leggett building. Please enter the building from Fenton Street, continue down the corridor past the elevators, and turn right. Please RSVP to Shelly Alves at

Library/Resource Center—Renovation

  • New York Avenue Entrance: Work is continuing to expand the ramp at the entrance on New York Avenue. Concrete work is complete. Welding for the guardrails will begin on Tuesday. All activities, including the use of vehicles with backup beepers, are in compliance with noise ordinances.
  • One lane of traffic will be closed. Flaggers are in place to manage movements on New York Avenue. 

Leggett Building—Construction

  • Timeline: Barton Malow is completing the final items in and around the building. The faculty and staff are now working in the building. Classes will begin September 3.
  • Tree Protection Fencing: Following the removal of the fencing at the corner of Takoma Avenue and Fenton Street, the landscaping is now being cleaned and restored.
  • Trucks on Takoma Avenue: Construction vehicles will no longer be allowed to park in the Takoma Avenue parking lot. Faculty and staff have begun using the lot.

East Garage  

  • Work to repair areas of the East Garage located at Fenton and King Streets is progressing. This work is occurring on the fifth floor, the top floor of the structure, and noise will reduce as the work moves to the lower internal levels. This project is in compliance with the noise ordinances. Nonetheless, we are pursuing strategies to reduce noise where possible. 
  • Until further notice, work will be conducted on Saturdays. This is a short-term project and will wrap up in the coming months.

Thank you,

The Montgomery College Team

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