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Hello All,

I hope you and yours are doing well. MC is continuing to operate virtually, with remote teaching, learning, and operations with some exceptions for job training programs and lab courses that can only be provided in person and are necessary for completion. Our public safety team and landscaping crews continue to work to keep the campus safe and neat while we are away from the campus. Be assured, the College continues to monitor and comply with all the state and local public health directives to ensure the safety of our students, faculty, staff, and our neighbors.

On September 11, we were notified of the Takoma Park Tree Commission’s decision to uphold the City’s issuance of the College’s tree removal permit for the Leggett Math and Science Building project. We appreciated the opportunity to more fully explain the project details, our plans for trees, and to obtain additional feedback that neighbors and Commissioners provided during the Tree Commission hearing. Be assured the College will take all appropriate steps to maintain the trees and the landscape that will be planted as part of this project. The College’s detailed presentation is available on the project website. The College is proud of its tree replacement, landscaping, and stormwater management plans, which can be found here on the project website. Our plans include the removal of 56 regulated trees while keeping 83 trees and planting 101 new trees. The campus will be home to an improved tree canopy, an environmentally sound and lush landscape, and seven new stormwater facilities. These plans provide lush screening and respect our neighborhood setting, help us decrease the impervious surfaces, and implement stormwater management where none exists today.

As you may remember from a previous email in May—before we gave our full attention to tree plans—we shared that Barton Malow will be preparing a noise mitigation plan for the Leggett Building project. Such a plan would confirm and codify specific activities and strategies to mitigate noise on the project site. Barton Malow will submit the final plan to Montgomery County in the near future for their review. Those of you who live close to the project may have been notified asking for input to comment on the plan. We are also planning a virtual project update forum in the near future to review elements of this proposed plan and to listen to feedback from neighbors before the final plan is submitted and the formal comment period required by the County occurs.

Please keep an eye out for your invitation to the project update forum. We hope you will join us virtually.

Please stay safe,

Brad Steward Signature

Dr. Brad Stewart
Vice President & Provost
Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Montgomery College

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