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Dear Neighbors,

Thank you for your interest in the Leggett Building construction project at the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus. We will strive to keep our neighbors informed about significant construction events with this weekly email notification.

Upcoming activities are listed below:

  • Fencing
    The eight-foot-tall wood fence along a portion of Takoma Avenue has been installed and stained, in accordance with permits. This work is now complete.
  • Earthwork
    Sheeting and shoring activities are underway and will continue for approximately 4-5 more weeks. Cut and fill excavation for the new building footprint is underway. This includes continued excavation and grading of the site.
  • Upcoming Saturday Work
    Upcoming work related to the sheeting and shoring efforts will require site activities to occur on two upcoming Saturdays, August 7, and August 14. The sheeting and shoring work includes grouting the anchors that hold the support of excavation system in place. Each anchor hold requires at least one re-grout, which must be performed at the proper time in the curing process. Anything that is grouted on Thursday or Friday will need to be re-grouted on Saturday to ensure the work is effective and the sheeting and shoring system is safe. Barton Malow’s subcontractor will be on site starting at 9 a.m. and finishing by 2 p.m. on Saturday, August 7 and Saturday, August 14, and will operate in accordance with the local sound ordinance hours. We expect these activities to be completed by Saturday, August 14.
  • Project Update Forum
    Thank you to all who joined us on Tuesday, July 27, 2021, for our quarterly Project Update Forum. The presentation and comments will be made available on the project website.

Please visit the project’s website at for additional information. You may contact us with questions at or call the project hotline at 800-879-9879.

Thank you,

The Montgomery College Team

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