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Dear Neighbors,

Thank you for your interest in the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus construction projects. We strive to keep our neighbors informed about significant construction events with this weekly email notification.

This notice provides information on the construction of the Catherine and Isiah Leggett Building and the campus library renovation in the Resource Center for Montgomery College.

Upcoming activities are listed below:

Project Update Forum

  • Thank you to those who joined us for our virtual Project Update Forum on April 23! A recording of the forum and copy of the presentation is available for viewing on our website.

Library/Resource Center—Renovation  

  • Weekend Work: Gilbane Construction will conduct work on Saturdays for the remainder of the project. This Saturday, May 11 work will begin at 9 a.m. for exterior activities. All work will follow the requirements of the noise ordinance.
  • Exterior Work: Roof painting at the main entrance is complete. Concrete pouring and paving for the sidewalks is nearing completion. The site contractor is continuing sitework activities, including using small equipment for grading. Next week work will begin on the northside canopy entrance. Due to the rain, jackhammering work for the concrete work at the main entrance will continue on Monday, May 13, and Tuesday, May 14. Jackhammering will not begin until 9 a.m.
  • Deliveries: Materials for interior work activities are being delivered to the site. All drivers are continuously reminded to adhere to the construction directives, which prohibit project vehicles from proceeding down New York Avenue past Academic Way. These directives also prohibit any vehicles from accessing Takoma Avenue. Representatives from Gilbane Construction will continue to monitor Takoma Avenue and are committed to taking the appropriate action where violations occur.
  • Trash Trucks: Additional trash trucks will be present on site for the near future.

Leggett Building—Construction    

  • Interior Work: Interior work is continuing, including the installation of flooring and light fixtures, painting, and cleanup of interior areas.
  • Exterior Work: Building signage, which includes the College logo and the name of the building, has been added to the Fenton Street entrance. The main entrance work on Fenton Street, including the installation of lighted handrails and canopy lighting, is progressing. Lighted handrails are also being installed on the side of the building interior to campus.
  • Tree Protection Fencing: The City of Takoma Park and Montgomery County have approved the removal of the tree protection fencing. This work will begin next week.
  • Trucks on Takoma Avenue: A limited number of trucks will be accessing Takoma Avenue as needed. Vehicles will proceed via New York Avenue and enter the construction site from the new Takoma Avenue parking lot entrance. Upon departure, the trucks will turn east on Takoma Avenue to New York Avenue and turn right on Fenton Street.
  • Deliveries: As previously updated, materials are being delivered on site for use within the structure. Drivers are routinely reminded they are required to follow the designated routes to and from the site and must enter and exit on Fenton Street from Philadelphia.

Please visit our website for additional information on TP/SS construction projects. As always, you may contact us with questions at or call the project hotline at 800-879-9879.

Thank you,
The Montgomery College Team

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