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Dear Neighbors,

Thank you for your interest in the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus construction projects. We strive to keep our neighbors informed about significant construction events with this weekly email notification.

This notice provides information on the construction of the Catherine and Isiah Leggett Building the campus library renovation in the Resource Center, and the Facilities Master Plan work for Montgomery College.

Upcoming activities are listed below:

Leggett Building—Construction

  • Takoma Avenue Work: Asphalt paving to connect the parking lot entrance to Takoma Avenue is continuing inside the fence line. Early next week, asphalt trucks will be accessing the parking lot via Takoma Avenue in order to apply the top coat to the lot; this work is expected to last one day. Traffic control measures are being utilized as needed. If the weather is inclement early next week, the work will be performed the week of November 27 
  • Saturday Work: This Saturday, November 18, Barton Malow will be conducting work for the continued landscaping efforts on the east and west side of the building. This work will start at 9 a.m. and end at 2 p.m., and trucks will use New York Avenue to enter and exit the site. 
  • Landscaping: Final grading is continuing in preparation for the installation of landscape materials, including trees and other plantings.
  • Deliveries: As previously updated, materials are being delivered on-site for use within the structure. All trucks are required to follow designated routes to and from the site and must enter and exit on Fenton Street from Philadelphia.

Library/Resource Center—Renovation

  • Water Line: Starting November 27, work for the creation of the new water line will begin and is expected to last two weeks. One lane of New York Avenue will be closed while this work is occurring, and flaggers will be in place to help mitigate traffic disruption. The sidewalk will also be closed for the duration of this work.
  • Main Entrance: Excavation for the creation of the new entrance to the Library/Resource Center is continuing. A vacuum truck is present on site to assist with this work, which is used to avoid any damage to the building footings and tree roots around the work area. Some noise is expected for the duration of this work but will be in line with noise ordinances.
  • Exterior Work: Work on the exterior façade of the building is progressing.

Holiday Work Schedule

  • Next Thursday, November 23, and Friday, November 24, the work sites for the Leggett Building and the Library/Resource Center will be closed. No work activity will be conducted on those days. Construction will resume on Monday, November 27.

Facilities Master Plan

  • Next Steps: The proposed content of the Facilities Master Plan was presented to the Board of Trustees for review on November 13.  A link to view the presentation is available on our website. The Board is currently scheduled to review the final draft FMP plan during its December 11 meeting. If the plan is approved by the Board, it will then be submitted to the state. Please visit the FMP website for additional information. We will continue to update you as this process moves forward.

Thank you,
The Montgomery College Team

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