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Dear Neighbors,

Thank you for your interest in the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus construction projects. We strive to keep our neighbors informed about significant construction events with this weekly email notification.

This notice provides information on the construction of the Catherine and Isiah Leggett Building the campus library renovation in the Resource Center, and the Facilities Master Plan work for Montgomery College.

Upcoming activities are listed below:

Leggett Building—Construction 
  • Glass Installation: Glass installations for the windows are occurring on the East and West sides of the building. 
  • New York Ave. Work: The internal campus roadway leading from New York Avenue, between the Resource Center and Commons buildings, will be removed and replaced in order to install new electrical service. This work will be completed in two phases. Phase One work will be completed on campus and will not impact the surrounding neighborhood. This work will begin the week of August 7, and is expected to last 10 workdays.Phase Two work will go from the Commons Building entry out to New York Avenue, with new curbs, adjacent sidewalk and entrance apron being constructed. Phase Two is expected to take 10 workdays. During Phase Two some traffic control measures will be utilized on New York Avenue as necessary to minimize disruption. More information will be provided as it becomes available.
  • Masonry: The installation of brick on the exterior of the building continues. The mason is installing brick on the Fenton Street façade.
  • Parking Lot Exit: Due to schedule changes, BMC will now be completing the additional work on the Takoma Avenue parking lot exit and entrance in the early Fall within the fence line of the project. Following that activity, additional work on Takoma Avenue will begin and will necessitate some traffic control for work in the roadway.
  • Interior Work: Work on the interior of the structure is progressing.
  • Deliveries: As previously updated, materials are being delivered on-site for use within the structure. All trucks are required to follow designated routes to and from the site and must enter and exit on Fenton Street from Philadelphia. 
Library/Resource Center—Renovation 
  • Exterior Work: Masonry repair work is advancing along with the installation of exterior framework for the new facade. All work will be in compliance with noise ordinances.
  • Interior Work: Additional work on the interior of the building is advancing. 

Facilities Master Plan
Community colleges across Maryland are required by law to update their Facilities Master Plan every ten years. Montgomery College will update our plan over the coming months for the years 2023 to 2033. There have been four specific engagement touchpoints with the Takoma Park/Silver Spring residents as well as an update during the recent Project Update Forum, with further meetings due to be scheduled in the fall. For more information about the process and ways to stay engaged, please visit our website.

We look forward to seeing you at a Facilities Master Plan meeting in the fall. To view past meetings, please visit our website resources page.

Please visit our website for additional information on all three TP/SS construction projects. As always, you may contact us with questions at or call the project hotline at 800-879-9879.

Thank you,
The Montgomery College Team

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