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Dear Neighbors,

Thank you for your interest in the Leggett Building construction project at the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus. We will strive to keep our neighbors informed about significant construction events with this weekly email notification.

Upcoming activities are listed below:

  • Heavy Rainfall
    Over the past week, we have experienced high volumes of rain. Our team is working closely with the county to ensure that our Environment and Sediment Control (ESC) measures are working appropriately. Per a county inspector request, the BMC team revised some of the super silt fence around the site. In addition, as a proactive measure beyond requirements, BMC added a larger silt sock to the construction entrance and laid out protective measures along the gutter pan of Fenton Street. We will continue to monitor the area through the duration of the storm to ensure that our ESC measures are working according to county guidance.
  • Upcoming Saturday Work
    Due to the high volume of rain this week, Barton Malow will conduct work this Saturday, August 21. Activities will primarily include the removal of excess soil from the site and will be actively coordinated to control truck routes. This work will take place between the hours of 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. and will follow all requirements of the noise ordinance.
  • Truck Traffic
    BMC and its subcontractors are removing excess soil from the site. There will be approximately 20 trucks a day this week running three to four loads per truck per day. The site will be very busy for the next week while BMC hauls out unnecessary materials. To help control this truck traffic, BMC’s subcontractor will have a crew member staging truck traffic on the corner of New York and Fenton, and another at the corner of Takoma and Philadelphia directing trucks not to enter the neighborhood via these routes. These workers’ sole responsibility will be to direct these trucks and move them along the correct route. It is important to note that there may be other trucks in the area that are not part of this project and BMC cannot stop them from entering the neighborhood.
  • Earthwork
    Sheeting and shoring activities are underway and will continue for approximately one to two more weeks. Cut and fill excavation for the new building footprint is underway. This includes continued excavation and grading of the site as well as removal of the materials from excavation.
  • Concrete
    Concrete work for the new building will soon commence. Beginning next week, concrete equipment will mobilize on site. These activities will include crane delivery and installation for the offloading of materials, major rebar deliveries, and setting up additional materials. These deliveries are on regular-sized trucks.
  • Pest Control
    In response to neighborhood feedback, the College met with American Pest to review rodent activity reported near the site. American Pest, in an effort to be responsive to community concerns, suggested enhanced measures to include installing two electronic trapping boxes behind the Commons building and one electronic trapping box behind P3, the sites closest to residential areas. They have installed these boxes, and a technician will service the boxes weekly.

Please visit the project’s website at for additional information. You may contact us with questions at or call the project hotline at 800-879-9879.

Thank you,

The Montgomery College Team

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