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Hi All,

Hope you are doing well in our tropical climate of late. We are just about to finish our second summer session and all indications are that our students and faculty have adjusted very well to our remote teaching and learning environment. The fall semester begins on August 31st and we are looking forward to continuing remote learning.

At the City of Takoma Park Tree Commission hearing last week, the College presented its detailed site design plans including tree removal, tree protection, and tree planting plans. MC’s full presentation can be found on the Leggett project website here. The presentation provides additional details about the site and illustrates our updated tree protection and planting plans from the presentation at the June 23 community meeting. Our design team has done an amazing job creating a sustainable site design that will enhance the tree canopy, protect the trees at Fenton Street and Takoma Avenue, reduce impervious surfaces, and implement stormwater management where none exists today, which will help filter and slow stormwater runoff. Taken together, these actions will create an improved site condition and stormwater management, and provide an environmentally sound, diverse, and lush landscape that now includes 101 new trees as well the 83 trees that will remain on site.

As always, if you have questions, please send them to

Take care,

Brad Steward Signature

Dr. Brad Stewart
Vice President & Provost
Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Montgomery College

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