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School, Study, _______, Repeat

Hindi words of the week: व्यायाम Vyaayam (vya-ah-yum) - exercise स्वास्थ्य Svasthya (swa-ahs-th-ya) - health Hey Raptors, Autumn is here with midterms right around the corner. =/ yikes. I can't speak for everyone but I can tell you that I…

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Remember this!

Did you remember to do that project? What about that paper? I don’t know about you but I have a hard time remembering when everything is due. However, I have recently discovered some great ways to be reminded of what…

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New Country, New You

Hindi words of the week: यात्रा Yaatra (yaa-th-ruh) - Travel अहसास Ahsaas (eh-sauce) ? - Epiphany/realization Hey guys, I hope your first couple of months this semester have been going well. Mine have been alright, definitely got some things that I…

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