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WDCE offers affordable, practical, and convenient classes at locations throughout Montgomery County and online.
For individuals seeking to enhance their work skills, WDCE offers a diverse range of noncredit classes specifically designed to elevate their business or technical understanding. These classes provide flexible durations, ranging from a few days or a week to two full semesters. By enrolling in these WDCE classes, individuals can stay updated with the latest industry practices and trends.

Moreover, WDCE provides opportunities for individuals to learn something new or obtain industry certifications. Additionally, they offer certain semester-long credit classes co-listed with noncredit options, allowing individuals to take a comprehensive course without the concern of receiving a grade. This flexibility enables learners to focus on acquiring knowledge and skills relevant to their professional development without the pressure of academic evaluation.

Community Education enrichment courses cater to individuals of all ages within the community, providing a wide range of subjects to explore and learn from. These courses encompass diverse areas such as arts, sciences, languages, history, current events, personal enrichment, technology, finance, and more.
Courses are thoughtfully designed to foster lifelong learning and personal growth within the community. Participation in these programs offers individuals the opportunity to engage with like-minded individuals, forge meaningful connections, and embark on an educational journey that is tailored to their unique needs and passions.

For information and details, visit the official website of Workforce Development and Continuing Education.

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