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Fundamentals of Teaching

At Montgomery College, good teaching and learning are founded in the values of promoting active learning, developing community within the classroom to encourage student engagement, providing academic support for individual student practice and enrichment, and creating a robust academic campus environment where students are challenged to think critically and connect their classroom experiences with the world around them.  Institutional learning goals defined within the Academic Master Plan inform the teaching and learning philosophies that frame the Academic Affairs Division.

Good teaching and learning manifest themselves in metrics that measure time to degree completion, graduation and transfer rates, improving student performance, and closing achievement gaps. Being an effective instructor is the most important factor that contributes to student achievement in the classroom. Effective instructors can take their students on a learning journey, one that begins where the learners are and ends at their success.

The resources listed here are in place to support instruction and provide guidance, aligning with the “Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education” by Chickering and Gamson (1987).

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