Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

I began lifting weights when I was about 17 or so. The initial four months were hell, I had this end goal: a perfectly chiseled chest, 6-pack, and the whole shebang! Every workout was something I had to push myself to complete and desperately work towards that goal. Many, including myself, tend to apply that same mindset to school, work, or even chores. “Just gotta push through this paper/shift/dish and eventually I get my degree/money or be able to relax.” I began asking myself, “Can I really keep this up? Maybe I could do it for a year, but 5? 10? Nah Starcraft is much more enjoyable.”
It wasn’t until about a year into working out that I noticed I stopped having to go the gym, and just started going. I’m not saying it just became apart of my routine, I’m saying It became a part of me, of what I love to do. I wasn’t having to go, I was making time to go, I was obsessed. I even stopped training for looks and took up Powerlifting instead. 3 years later, I still don’t have that huge chest, or even a six pack(I have four, if the lighting is right:D),however I do have massive legs, I actually have to get my jeans tailored to fit properly. Some would say this is a failure, all this time and still you haven’t gotten huge, I would say it is a success. Here’s why: I love lifting, I will probably do it till the day I die or lose my legs in some tragic accident <knocks on wood>, I’m also very strong and healthy, and I love it because of one subtle switch. I stopped chasing some vision of an end-goal and started paying attention to the present. I’m not saying it’s bad to have goals, but don’t get trapped and attached to them.
So how can you apply this to the “lowest of the low,” school work? If you’re not yet keen on ‘playing’ with that essay due midnight, then start with this. Tackle it all one-by-one. In other words, that first paragraph is the only one you will ever have to write, ignore the rest, and when you finish that paragraph, start with the next “only one”, but never let the thought that there is 8 more to go, just focus on the one you’re doing now.
Hi Jake – my sons also fortunately are ‘obsessed’ with the gym and healthy eating, which is a great thing and quite a 180 from when I was that age and taking a sedentary desk job, having marbled steaks and Coca cola
was all the rage, We’ve come along way baby – at least in health consiousness! You are 100% correct that you just have to start and suddenly you find you don’t feel ‘right’ if you did not hit the gym. Not only are the physical benefits good, but I think the mental and emotional well being may be even greater. This will affect your school outcomes in a positive way and your future.