Hey! Welcome to my fourth entry at MC Voices, today I will be showing…

Perhaps it’s something you don’t really know the answers to. But people ask why… why General Studies?
I changed my major three times. I was doing Mental Health for a year, then I switched to English, and now I’m finishing up my Associate’s Degree in General Studies: Studies in Humanities, Arts, Communication, and Languages (HACL Core). And to me, that felt right. Part of the reason why I decided to major in General Studies was because I wanted to explore my options. I wanted to take Psychology classes as well as English classes because I am passionate about both subjects.
“So, what’s your major?” When you’re in college, that’s what everybody asks you. Sometimes I just want to switch the conversation back to a small talk and talk about the weather instead. Sometimes I do worry that someone might think that I don’t really know what I want or that I just can’t make up my mind. Maybe it’s true… Maybe somewhere in my decision making process I was overwhelmed by options that I decided to take a different route. I am two months away from getting my Associate’s Degree and I don’t feel a hint of regret in picking General Studies. I am just beyond grateful for this program!
To those who are unsure about what they want to major in, there’s always something for you to choose from. It almost always comes down to what you’re most passionate about. Sometimes you’ll have more than one and that’s more than okay. Just don’t let doubt be bigger than your dreams. Doubt will always show its face… no matter what you decide to do.
I think I should also mention that it is very important that you meet with an advisor to meet your goals for transfer, wherever you decide to go. And please DO remember that every school will be different (AB University will have different requirements than XYU). To know more about the General Studies program at Montgomery College, please visit
General Studies is a great place to start when you don’t know where to start. It is the rare 18 year old who does! In any case, the first two years are nearly identical for most curricula, so it is wise to start that way since most major changes are somewhere in that second year. Thanks for giving a good argument for starting in G.S.