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Hello all,

Welcome to my first post for MC Voices! I am very honored and appreciative that I was given an opportunity to share my thoughts on MC in hopes to inform and enlighten those who are also attending or plan to attend MC. I wanted to dive in deeper into why I choose MC as my choice of college. When the pandemic hit back in March of 2020, the world stopped. I know for many it was such dark and scary time, I am no different. I was in my junior year of high school which was arguably my best year academically. I was getting the best grades I have ever gotten in high school despite taking vigorous courses. I was also very happy with the potential vocation that I discovered which was medicine. A mysterious disease then captivated the attention of all Americans across the nation and everything came to an abrupt stop. Like everyone else, we all started to adjust to the new normal but found it difficult. Depression is ruthless and can be unforgiving.

I lost all my passion of learning. I always thought I had an unwavering love for education, but the pandemic really stripped a lot of it out of me. My mother has always been a great inspiration of mine. She always worked so hard, so I have the opportunity to get an education; something she couldn’t obtain. None of my family have ever even received a high school diploma let alone gotten an education in college. I knew despite the challenges that I was going to face in my years of education, I must march on not just for my sake but to make sure my mother’s sacrifices weren’t all for nothing. My senior year was also no walk in the park being that the entire year was online.

I was still very unsure about my future but with a little push of my mother I enrolled to MC. I was very overwhelmed with the idea of enrolling myself to a college because I was so doubtful of my abilities. I took the plunge anyway because I knew deep down that I always longed to go to college. I quickly found MC such a warm and caring environment and my professors were always willing to help me anyway they could. I ended my fall semester of 2021 with straight A’s and now more than ever I have become such an optimistic person. What I want all of you to take from this is that no matter of grave the situation you are in, there is a way out. MC allowed me to bring back my passion for learning and is leading me to my future. Life can truly leave gifts in dark places.

¡Hola todos! My name is Jazlleen Ramirez, and I am a first-year student at Montgomery College. I am from Damascus, Maryland and I lived here since I was six years old. I will be starting my second semester of Montgomery College in Spring of 2022. I am 19 years old, and I graduated from Damascus High School in June of 2021. I am currently majoring in Nursing, but I am still considering other medical professions. I’d like to think that I am very headstrong with my opinions and views of life. Even as headstrong as I am, I am very open minded and optimistic.
Being a first-generation Latina, education has always been a priority to me. I hope to write my experiences with MC and my plans in studying medicine. I wish to inspire or motivate any other students in my similar shoes. As young as I am, I still believe I have much to offer, and I hope you all enjoy reading my blogs as I document my two cents of MC!

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